Sunday, August 31, 2014

Kennewick Man: Alternate view of the peopling of North America

Nice Article on

In the summer of 1996, two college students in Kennewick, Washington, stumbled on a human skull while wading in the shallows along the Columbia River. They called the police. 


As work progressed, a portrait of Kennewick Man emerged. He does not belong to any living human population. Who, then, are his closest living relatives? Judging from the shape of his skull and bones, his closest living relatives appear to be the Moriori people of the Chatham Islands, a remote archipelago 420 miles southeast of New Zealand, as well as the mysterious Ainu people of Japan.

“Just think of Polynesians,” said Owsley.
Not that Kennewick Man himself was Polynesian. This is not Kon-Tiki in reverse; humans had not reached the Pacific Islands in his time period. Rather, he was descended from the same group of people who would later spread out over the Pacific and give rise to modern-day Polynesians. These people were maritime hunter-gatherers of the north Pacific coast; among them were the ancient Jōmon, the original inhabitants of the Japanese Islands. The present-day Ainu people of Japan are thought to be descendants of the Jōmon. Nineteenth-century photographs of the Ainu show individuals with light skin, heavy beards and sometimes light-colored eyes.
The discovery of Kennewick Man adds a major piece of evidence to an alternative view of the peopling of North America. 

the new theory goes, coastal Asian groups began working their way along the shoreline of ancient Beringia—the sea was much lower then—from Japan and Kamchatka Peninsula to Alaska and beyond. This is not as crazy a journey as it sounds. As long as the voyagers were hugging the coast, they would have plenty of fresh water and food. Cold-climate coasts furnish a variety of animals, from seals and birds to fish and shellfish, as well as driftwood, to make fires. The thousands of islands and their inlets would have provided security and shelter.

What became of those pioneers, Kennewick Man’s ancestors and companions? They were genetically swamped by much larger—and later—waves of travelers from Asia and disappeared as a physically distinct people, Owsley says. These later waves may have interbred with the first settlers, diluting their genetic legacy. A trace of their DNA still can be detected in some Native American groups, though the signal is too weak to label the Native Americans “descendants.”

Kennewick Man: The Scientific Investigation of an Ancient American Skeleton (Peopling of the Americas Publications)

Kennewick Man: The Scientific Investigation of an Ancient American Skeleton (Peopling of the Americas Publications) [Douglas W. Owsley, Richard L. Jantz] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.

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Monday, July 28, 2014

Mormon pioneers were safer on trek than previously thought, especially infants

With all the suffering on the Pioneer overland trek, things were not necessarily any better at home.

I always thought that people were dying left and right. But in reality, it wasn't much different than the general population. If you randomly select 100 people in America at that time, you'd expect 2.9 to die. If you randomly select 100 pioneers, you'd expect 3.5 to die. Crossing the Plains was more dangerous, but it was a small difference.”
Aaron Smith

also FTA:  these rates are hard to compare as our current rate is 0.008 instead of 2.9. 

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Earth's Magnetric Field weakening faster TPT

Another cause for concern?  Wonder if this correlates with CO2 emissions.

FTA: The Earth’s magnetic field is weakening rapidly and may be getting ready to flip.


FTA: The magnetic field forms because Earth’s core is made of a giant ball of iron surrounded by molten metal which flows deep beneath the surface. That movement creates the field and protects the planet from deadly solar radiation.

my comment: Enjoy!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Amazon Rainforest younger TPT

What we think about the Amazon Rainforest may need some significant rethinking.

FTA: The new study has found evidence that in a few hundred years, the land may have radically switched from a smattering of wide savannas to the "timeless" rainforests of today. 

The scientists were studying what kind of crops the natives raised and how it impacted the rainforests.

FTA: Instead they came up with a different finding that the rainforest may not have been there then.

Study originally published in PNAS.
Environmental impact of geometric earthwork construction in pre-Columbian Amazonia

PNAS 2014 published ahead of printJuly 7, 2014,

Something amiss in the Universe

An aptly named article  for clear evidence that what we think we know is not how things really are;

FTA: "We are calling this missing light the photon underproduction crisis. But it's the astronomers who are in crisis—somehow or other, the universe is getting along just fine."

The article is a bit misworded.  The light is NOT missing from the universe.  It is missing from the scientists explanations of the universe. Or in other words, there is more light in the universe than the physicists can explain.

again FTA: 

 Study co-author Ben Oppenheimer said that if the light is really missing it would be a huge surprise as "intergalactic hydrogen is the component of the Universe that we think we understand the best".

So not quite different TPT but within the same concept.  We don't know all there is to know and science is never 'settled'.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Learning unexpected things

My daughter and I have been exploring the elements. Katie's on her way to the challenge.

Amazing what the wonders of chemistry bring. Here is a bit of excitement better viewed by video than in person.

A little bit goes a long way. and here, especially when well mixed..

That last video has a nice summary: 'It's always good for a scientist to be proved wrong'.

Something the Climate alarmists need to learn.
