Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Nearly one-third of Native American genes come from west Eurasian people linked to the Middle East and Europe, rather than entirely from East Asians as previously thought

 I highlighted this back in 2013 but  it seems to be gaining more traction now.

ByBrian Handwerk
November 22, 2013

"These results were a great surprise to us," said study co-author and ancient-DNA specialist Eske Willerslev
, of the University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
"I hadn't expected anything like this. A genome related to present-day western Eurasian populations and modern Native Americans as well was really puzzling in the beginning. How could this happen?"

Prevailing theories suggest that Native Americans are descended from a group of East Asians who crossed the Bering Sea via a land bridge perhaps 16,500 years ago, though some sites may evidence an earlier arrival. (See "Siberian, Native American Languages Linked—A First [2008].")

"This study changes this idea because it shows that a significant minority of Native American ancestry actually derives not from East Asia but from a people related to present-day western Eurasians," Willerslev said.

Thursday, February 23, 2023

the known mass in stars at this period of our universe is up to 100 times greater than we had previously thought

 Here is some interesting reading:

For those who think the science is ever settled...

FTA: The galaxies are so massive that they conflict with 99% of models representing early galaxies in the universe, which means scientists need to rethink how galaxies formed and evolved. 

... Leja said. “It turns out we found something so unexpected it actually creates problems for science. It calls the whole picture of early galaxy formation into question.”


What’s funny is we have all these things we hope to learn from James Webb and this was nowhere near the top of the list. We’ve found something we never thought to ask the universe — and it happened way faster than I thought, but here we are.”

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

CDC data. Total Deaths in the US. What did you expect?

In the midst of the Corona Virus nationwide shutdown with social distancing it may help to look at some data which may give a different impression than we have previously thought.

The CDC tracks total deaths in the US and also separately reports the Pneumonia and Influenza deaths and as a percentage of total deaths.  The link is:
The graphic highlights the impact of a severe flu season as happened in the beginning of 2018. 

The raw data is even more informative.
With a country of 350 million, I would expect at least 3.5 million deaths per year. In fact recently all cause deaths have been around 2.8 million people per year.  This works out to about 54000 deaths per week on the average. A new pandemic disease should have a noticeable affect on these numbers as was seen for the severe flu in early 2018 when deaths per week reached 67495 at its peak.

The CDC data reported at the 'view chart data' link gives total deaths each week since 2013
Interestingly, data for the weeks 3 to 11  of 2020 show FEWER deaths per week in 2020 than any year since 2016. One might expect social distancing and other recent social changes to impact deaths from other causes as well which might show up in the overall death statistics. For the first 9 weeks of this year (2020), there are more than 2500 fewer deaths per week on average compared to the year before. For the most recent two weeks reported the differences are 10000 and 20000 fewer deaths per week. (I'm willing to wait on the possibility of incomplete reports but the CDC data already waits a full 2 weeks before reporting their initial numbers.)

I would be interested in a breakdown of all causes to see where this significant change is coming from.  Perhaps fewer traffic fatalities? fewer deaths during elective surgery? All sorts of possibilities beyond the impact on infectious disease transmission.

Raw numbers:

CDC  All cause mortality in the US
Year 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 difference
Week from 2019
1 61737 55788 59763 66134 58287 58822 -535
2 61141 55525 60980 67495 58350 58670 -320
3 58628 55182 59293 64647 58193 56942 1251
4 57269 55606 58047 62780 57831 56111 1720
5 57284 54896 58432 60974 58122 54926 3196
6 56420 55106 59038 61110 58489 55054 3435
7 56348 55785 58479 59779 57915 53647 4268
8 55668 54873 58288 57793 57856 52985 4871
9 55732 55875 57256 56692 57914 51721 6193
10 55272 56112 57477 57093 58487 47917 10570
11 54262 54462 56656 56326 57869 37641 20228
data as of 14 Mar 2020 as reported on 26 Mar 2020

Something to think about.

What do you think?

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Previously Presumed

Getting away from TPT. Here is an interesting article and a new (to me) variation on TPT. FTA: "For a long time, experts believed it was fake. But in a surprise twist, researchers are now saying that this 900-year-old book is the real thing after all." --- 'It’s another example of ancient writings come to life , the oldest on our continent. Other documents previously presumed to be inauthentic could need reexamination—in which case, we may (and almost certainly do) have a lot to learn about our past." Available from Amazon:

Monday, November 19, 2018

Are these Danish cities older TPT?

FTA: "Urban development is one of those areas that's very difficult to pin down because it's at the border between archaeology and history—

Read more at:

"Sometimes you have to take a deep breath and look again. And I think that's the case here," 

More water into the earth's interior TPT

The Earth is eating its oceans

As Earth's tectonic plates dive beneath one another, they drag three times as much water into the planet's interior as previously thought.
Those are the results of a new paper published today (Nov. 14) in the journal Nature.

FTA: The water cycle at subduction zones remains poorly understood.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Even Colder than Scientists Thought.

Even with CO2 levels exceeding 400ppm and left wing politicians frantic to restrict energy use and human freedom, the Antarctic region continues to show record low temperatures  as low as any possible even at 280 ppm CO2.  Interesting reading.   And commentary at WUWT.

An inconvenient truth.

Here is also a link to the primary report (which may have limited time free access.)

FTA:  Plain Language Summary The lowest measured air temperature on Earth is 89.2 °C ( 129 F) on 23 July 1983, observed at Vostok Station in Antarctica (Turner et al., 2009, However, satellite data collected during the Antarctic polar night during 2004–2016 reveal a broad region of the high East Antarctic Plateau above Vostok that regularly reaches snow surface temperatures of 90 °C and below. These occur in shallow topographic depressions near the highest part of the ice sheet, at 3,800 to 4,050-m elevation. Comparisons with nearby automated weather stations suggest that air temperatures during these events are near 94 ± 4 °C or about 138 F. Ultracold conditions (below 90 °C) occur more frequently when the Antarctic polar vortex is strong. This temperature appears to be about as low as it is possible to reach, even under clear skies and very dry conditions, because heat radiating from the cold clear air is nearly equal to the heat radiating from the bitterly cold snow surface.