Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Climate Change not as threatening as PT

Climate change poses less of an immediate threat to the planet than previously thought because scientists got their modelling wrong.  

See the article.

...He added that President Trump’s withdrawal from the agreement would not be significant because “The White House’s position doesn’t have much impact on US emissions".

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Ancient farms had very different origins TPT


Dramatic new hypothesis could change the way we understand human history.

... people began altering their environments for food and shelter about 30,000 years earlier than we thought

There is also evidence that, as soon as humans reached South America, they took up residence in the Amazon and began farming. Often these ancient farms evolved into highly-developed networks of cities like those of the Maya.


Check out both links.

History of Zero older TPT

An ancient text called the Bakhshali manuscript has bumped zero’s origin story back by 500 years

FTA: '“But the creation of zero as a number in its own right, which evolved from the placeholder dot symbol found in the Bakhshali manuscript, was one of the greatest breakthroughs in the history of mathematics.”

Read more: http://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/dating-ancient-indian-text-gives-new-timeline-history-zero-180964896/#Pj7G7v4MFBGPvVSh.99

Friday, August 25, 2017

'Rewriting the History of Math'

Cool:  An entire article fitting for this blog but without the use of TPT!

FTA:   a  3,700-year-old clay tablet has proven that the Babylonians developed trigonometry 1,500 years before the Greeks.

...The true meaning of the tablet has eluded experts until now...

The Greek astronomer Hipparchus, who lived around 120BC, has long been regarded as the father of trigonometry,

...The mathematical world is only waking up to the fact that this ancient but very sophisticated mathematical culture has much to teach us.”

This new study is published in Historia Mathematica.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Start codons in DNA may be more numerous than previously thought

Start codons in DNA may be more numerous than previously thought

FTA: "We kind of all collectively asked ourselves: had anyone ever looked?" said Hecht. A further review of available literature on the topic indicated that the answer was no.

A good point for those who think that 'Science is settled'.  If its settled, it's not science.
Sometimes, you have to ask the question..."What if our understanding is wrong?"  !!

More FTA: "We thought we knew the rules, but it turns out there's a whole other level we need to learn about. The grammar of DNA might be even more sophisticated than we imagined."

and the original source:  
  1. Ariel Hecht Jeff Glasgow Paul R. Jaschke Lukmaan A. Bawazer Matthew S. Munson Jennifer R. Cochran Drew Endy Marc Salit. Measurements of translation initiation from all 64 codons in E. coliNucleic Acids Research, 2017 DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkx070