Saturday, March 11, 2017

Start codons in DNA may be more numerous than previously thought

Start codons in DNA may be more numerous than previously thought

FTA: "We kind of all collectively asked ourselves: had anyone ever looked?" said Hecht. A further review of available literature on the topic indicated that the answer was no.

A good point for those who think that 'Science is settled'.  If its settled, it's not science.
Sometimes, you have to ask the question..."What if our understanding is wrong?"  !!

More FTA: "We thought we knew the rules, but it turns out there's a whole other level we need to learn about. The grammar of DNA might be even more sophisticated than we imagined."

and the original source:  
  1. Ariel Hecht Jeff Glasgow Paul R. Jaschke Lukmaan A. Bawazer Matthew S. Munson Jennifer R. Cochran Drew Endy Marc Salit. Measurements of translation initiation from all 64 codons in E. coliNucleic Acids Research, 2017 DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkx070