Thursday, July 10, 2014

Something amiss in the Universe

An aptly named article  for clear evidence that what we think we know is not how things really are;

FTA: "We are calling this missing light the photon underproduction crisis. But it's the astronomers who are in crisis—somehow or other, the universe is getting along just fine."

The article is a bit misworded.  The light is NOT missing from the universe.  It is missing from the scientists explanations of the universe. Or in other words, there is more light in the universe than the physicists can explain.

again FTA: 

 Study co-author Ben Oppenheimer said that if the light is really missing it would be a huge surprise as "intergalactic hydrogen is the component of the Universe that we think we understand the best".

So not quite different TPT but within the same concept.  We don't know all there is to know and science is never 'settled'.

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